Insanity | 2 Corinthians 5:11-15

“For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are of sound mind, it is for you. For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; ” – 2 Corinthians 5:13-14


Runners are often called crazy. Have you been called crazy for your
early mornings, late nights, long runs, cold runs, hot workouts and
everything in between?
While some call it out of our mind, we prefer to call it dedication. It
makes sense for us though. There is a goal that we are striving for and
we are willing to make sacrifices and perhaps appear crazy to others.
In fact, do you ever enjoy the “You’re crazy!” as you spit out the “eh, I
just ran eight (miles) today”? We understand what Paul is saying in 2
Corinthians. Paul was told he was out of his mind for his preaching of
the gospel, but he knew he had a goal. He had an experience with God
himself that compelled his Spirit to do nothing else but share his love
for Christ. Paul probably got used to being called crazy and thrived in
the greatness of his mission.
He might have appeared crazy to others, but Paul understood his
purpose and pursued it with his whole being. Are you willing to put in
a little crazy dedication for the Savior of the world?
Reflect: What are you willing to sacrifice for your relationship with Christ? Are you
ready to surrender your ways that seem good for God’s ways that will bring you
eternal hope? Ask God to fill you with a hunger for his presence and an
understanding that gives you hope and peace.


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