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2021… In our time together, you taught me a lot. One of my favorite Bible passages to teach is the story of Abraham and Isaac. God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. (Sounds morbid, but stick with me). Remember, Isaac was supposed to be the son that fathered generations to come. […]

Unchartered Territory

“For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; if we are of sound mind, it is for you. For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; ” – 2 Corinthians 5:13-14   Runners are often called crazy. Have […]

Insanity | 2 Corinthians 5:11-15

This weekend, I had the privilege to join my track team as we spent two days in Winston-Salem, NC at the JDL Fast Track, featuring the Camel City Elite races on Saturday. It is a great meet with a vibrant atmosphere. Friday afternoon, there was a meet and greet opportunity […]


You could say that someone has a “runner’s body” or “looks like a runner,” but that does not limit who the runner can be. Sometimes the most unlikely people are incredible runners. It does not matter what they look like or sound like as much as it matters what they […]

Appearance | 1 Samuel 16:1-7

On Saturday, I completed my 4th and final ODAC Conference Cross Country Championship race. I experienced an overflow of emotions as I prepared for the 6K race. We had tons of fans, I had a few solid workouts to draw confidence from and an awesome group of teammates to run […]

Racing Thoughts

I want to be faster. I hope and pray every day that I will become faster. I don’t have much motivation besides just wanting to be faster. Eventually, I start getting angry and I don’t make much progress. I want to be more patient. I hope and pray every day […]

Fruit | John 15:1-17

Do you ever become overwhelmed by the “what if” factors that you might run into on race day? Do these looming thoughts ever bleed over into your enjoyment, love and freedom to run? And sometimes we are too busy trying to analyze the “uncontrollables” rather than embracing what we are […]

Controllables | Matthew 5:1-12

As you run alongside the road, you put yourself at risk. There is no denying that when you run with other people you make yourself more noticeable to cars driving by. Not only are you more visible, but you have at least another pair of eyes and ears being attentive […]

Pack | Hebrews 10:23-25

When you hear the word “worship,” do you imagine singing at a church service? Sure, this is one way to worship, but we have the opportunity to worship God in everything we do and everything we are. As runners, we can worship God through our running. What does that look like […]

Worship | Psalm 86:9-10